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Understanding Cellulite and Natural Ways to Beat It


"Cellulite" is a frequently mentioned term, especially among ladies, but not too many understand it enough. Cellulite is a collection of fat deposits found on the skin's subcutaneous layer, where there's a lot of connective tissue. The dimpled appearance of cellulite is caused by the fat pressing against connective tissue, whose structure resembles a mesh. 


There are people who have a greater tendency to develop cellulite than others, or a greater tendency to develop more cellulite than the rest. This is mainly due to genetics, although decreased overall body fat can help reduce their appearance. Women are more prone to this condition as most studies have shown. Check out this source page.


Even skinny people can have it in certain areas, and that is because the cellulite is not actually due to the fat, but the pressing of the fat against the mesh-like connective tissue. Different people have unique body structures, including the tissues that lead to the appearance of cellulite.


Good thing there are a few things we can do to prevent cellulite or at least make it less obvious, such as the following:


1. Hydrate your body by drinking a lot of water. The effects will reach the the connective tissue, making it smoother just like any other part of well-hydrated skin.  


2. "Brush" your cellulite. That couldn't be weirder, but skin brushing does help make your cellulite less visible. You can actually buy a skin brush, but choose one that is made of agave plant fibers, which are just right for removing dead skin and encouraging new growth but without causing abrasion.


3. Stay away from alcohol and cigarettes. Because they dry the skin, they help produce cellulite.  You can also learn more about cellulite treatments by checking out the post at


4. Take glucosamine supplements. Glucosamine helps dermis and connective tissue repair in the body, which also helps in the fight against cellulite. 


5. Make use of creams. Yes, some creams do work to help make your cellulite less noticeable, but first test the product by applying a small amount (about pea size) on the underside of your arm. Leave it on for 24 hours, and if you don't get any allergic reactions, that's a good sign.


6. Eat more fruits and green vegetables, and avoid junk food - it makes cellulite worse.


7. Finally, bathe in warm - not hot - water. If the water is too hot, even if you can take it, it will make your cellulite worse because of its drying effect. After a warm bath, finish with a quick cool water rinse. Click here to start treatment.

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